Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A series on Addiction Recovery

I was out last week at a family reunion, so did not post. While I was gone, Real Intent ran a great series on Addiction Recovery that is worth a look, even if you aren’t directly affected by addiction. There were four posts. (Ok, so I wrote two of them….)

A series at Real Intent on Addiction Recovery and the church’s 12-step program:

Addiction Recovery for Real Life

ARP and me

Addiction and Recovery Questions

Relapse, Repentance and Redemption

I hope you enjoy them.


  1. My sister is in the church's recovery 12 step program for drug addiction, I am in OA. I have read several books on addiction and I find that there is nothing impossible in God when our hearts are willing to make the needed changes. I am going though it and see the miracles in my life; when we turn our hearts to Him who has the power to heal. I loved your article. I hardly see anyone who doesn't need the help of our savior. I have a firm testimony of the atonement and it's healing power. I'm a living testament of that.

  2. Anon, thanks for reading and for sharing your experience. I agree that there isn't anyone who won't be improved by the atonement. :-)
